Computer Network

1. Course Description

The course provides fundamental design concepts of the implementation of computer communication networks, their protocols and applications. It includes overview of network architectures, applications, different layers (e.g. Physical, MAC, Network and Transport), congestion/error/flow control, switching, local area networks, broadband networks and internetworking.

2. Required Texts

- Signatures: Data Communications and Networking
- Author : Behrouz and Forouzan
- Publication : McGraw Hill
- Year of Publication : 2005

3. Course Evaluation 
- Mid-term Exam : 25%
- Final-term Exam : 25%
- Presentation : 20%
- Project : 25%
- Presence : 5%
The above scheme could be changed during the course.
4. Schedule 
1st Week    Introduction to OSI Model and Ccomputer Network
2nd Week    Data and Signal
3rd Week    Coding and Modulation Techniques
4th Week    Multiplexing
5th Week    Physical Layer and Transmission Medium
6th Week    Data Link Control and Error Detection/Correction
7th Week    Data Flow Ccontrol (ARQ)
8th Week    Mid-term Exam
9th Week    Medium Access Control Protocols
10th Week    Local Area Networks
11th Week    Broadband Networks
12th Week    Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
13th Week    Network Layer
14th Week    Transport Layer
15th Week    Application Layer
16th Week    Final Exam
5. Homework

I will assign homework/assignment during the lecture